Condor Tool & Knife
In the companies infancy, Condor Tool & Knife was located in Central America during the 1980s. Condor Tool & Knife was then acquired by a local investor who transformed the company into one of the worlds largest machete and shovel manufacturers in the world. Skipping ahead, in 2004 Condor Tool & Knives released their first high-quality knife range to Northern America and Europe attracting huge success.
Currently, Condor Tools & Knife have some of the most talented knife designers in the world including the well respected Joe Flower. Here at Extac we've not only used and stocked Condor Tool & Knife products for years but also have followed Condor Tool & Knife, Joe Flower the products being released closely. Condor Tool & Knife are now considered the leading premium machete manufacturers and we are proud to bring them 'down-under' to Extac customers, Australia wide.